JIM is the browser-based Web app that authors will use to create the commerce content, such as stores, products and more. JIM is built on top of the JECIS API.
JIM is an intuitive commerce information management Web application. It is taylored towards authors and marketers. The user-friendly concept of JIM allows authors to easily find and manage commerce content.
The JIM modules use the template and component structure of the CMS solution. This is how JIM achieves it's intuitive and author friendliness. Commerce sections like stores, products, clients, payments, orders and more are managed by creating Web pages and using specific components.
Content created with JIM is no other than content created on Web pages. After publishing commerce content it is immediately available to the public Web experience.
No engineering needed, no complex deployment process required and no switching to a third party PIM or other commerce tool.
JIM is content centric, built with authors and marketers in mind!
The landing page of JIM is a dashboard that displays statistical data about your store. You can select any of your stores to get a brief overview of status and activities.
The foundation of the commerce content is the Store. With JIM authors can create one or more stores. A store can be a simple shop, a head quarter or a subsidiary. From a JECIS perspective a store is a root node within the hierarchical content structure.
Content created for a store is unique to that store. However, it's possible to easily share commerce content like products among stores by using the JECIS content copy feature.
Perhaps the biggest advantage of the hierarchical content structure is visible in the product content.
A product is created by defining a product with general product data and then creating product profiles with the specific product information. Each product has per definition at least one profile, the "default" profile.
A product profile contains all the detail information, like color, size, description, pricing, sales location and more. These profiles are scalable by adding additional contend nodes and properties, depending on the requirements.
And yes, in a content centric world the author creates the product profiles. No engineering needed, no time consuming data modeling and no comprehensive deployment processes - Everything is content!
The easiest way to understand the beauty and power JECIS is to see it in action. Let us walk you through the concepts and show you how powerful JIM is and how intuitive you can bake commerce elements into your Web experience. Don't hesitate to request a demo or request more information.