JECIS & JIM are brought to you by Kleiber Digital. Kleiber Digital is specialized in JCR Content Repository technologies. The folks at Kleiber Digital have been involved in the JCR world since it's interception in 2000. In more than 200 large scale CMS projects with Day Software Communique/Adobe AEM, Magnolia and Jahia they have covered leadership roles in architecture and development.
in 2016 some very experienced JCR Content Repository experts have come together under a newly formed entity Kleiber Digital. This power-house of talent has a long history with JCR-based solutions such as Day CQ/Adobe AEM, Magnolia and Jahia.
Our resources have been leaders in large scale Internet solutions and user experience platforms for many years.
JECIS & JIM is such a result, evolved out of almost 20 years of JCR Content Repository work.
The JECIS Commerce Platform is combination of the JECIS API and JIM, the browser-based commerce management Web app.
JECIS is not just a collection of Java classes providing some commerce functionality. JECIS has been designed following best-practice concepts around hierarchical content structures and JCR API advantages.
A good example for such concepts are product profiles. Instead of having traditional product catalogs a product profile offers more flexibility, for example by adding additional content nodes and properties on the fly.
Request a demo, we'd love to show you the power of JECIS & JIM!
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