We are constantly evaluating and picking solution partners that are not only experts in building comprehensive solutions, but also have the capabilities and know-how to design and implement your compelling and engaging commerce experiene with JECIS.
Our partners will engage and work with you to convert your business strategies into an exciting, commerce driven solution, while at the same time we focus on making JECIS the best JCR-based E-Commerce framework.
Although building a commerce experience with JECIS is not really different from building an AEM site, you want to rely on our AEM partners. Our partners have experience with the Adobe Marketing Cloud and will ensure the smoothles integration of commerce content, analytics and other business-related AEM applications.
headwire.com, Inc has been helping customers navigate Adobe Experience Manager to a successful implementation and beyond. Headwire has been helping the JECIS team to make sure the Adobe AEM implementation of JECIS works like a charm in AEM and is ready to help you with your implementation.
headwire.com, Inc is committed to helping Adobe AEM customers be successful with a set of open source tools such as AEMDC, the AEM/Sling IntelliJ IDE plugin as well as an AEM Solr Search integration.
Contact: info@headwire.com
Jahia is a powerful Enterprise suite that consists of an eco-system of multiple powerful factories. JECIS fits perfectly into the Jahia Factory concept. Our partners are certified Jahia experts and will ensure that any user experience will follow Jahia's best practices.
Garber is an organization that is specialized in assisting product manufactures and solution implementers following the Global Integration Principles. Garber's expertise is in Jahia and Magnolia projects.
Not only has Garber worked directly with Jahia, but has also implemented the commerce content management system JIM for us.
Contact: dgarcia@garber-inc.com
Magnolia is a comprehensive CMS platform that is perhaps best known for it's user-friendliness. Our Magnolia partners will make sure these key features will make it into your commerce driven solution.
The Magnolia team at Garber has been implementing solutions since version 3 of Magnolia. Their expertise has been valuable in building the JIM module for Magnolia.
There deep knowledge of JIM and of Magnolia is a strong combination to guarantee a successful and user-friendly commerce solution.
Contact: dgarcia@garber-inc.com
From simple product placements on your Web site to complex Shop solutions with checkout and payments, all is possible with JECIS. Let us walk you through the concepts and show you how powerful JIM is and how intuitive you can bake commerce elements into your Web experience. Don't hesitate to request a demo or request more information.